速報APP / 教育 / Tittle Parental Control

Tittle Parental Control





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:520 Sims Avenue, #02-04, Singapore 387580

Tittle Parental Control(圖1)-速報App

Tittle Parental Control is a screen time and parental control app to help parents manage their child's device usage and monitor their location remotely.

Our Android & iOS friendly parental control app allows parents to easily block or enable mobile apps like the internet, as well as set up daily schedules to limit screen time use with just a few simple steps.

These are some of our parental control solutions all parents can use for screen time, device usage and location management:


– Block or enable specific apps at any time

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– Block child’s access to apps like games, social media & internet browsers

– Enable child’s access to other apps like educational puzzles


– Create multiple time block schedules for daily, weekly or monthly schedules

– Manage screen time at specified timings such as during school, meal times, family time, bedtime

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– Review apps your child downloaded, updated and deleted

– Monitor their daily app usage

– Set mobile data limit to prevent excessive data consumption


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– Track your child's current location easily

– Create geofencing alerts around known address or landmarks

– Receive instant notifications when your child steps in/out of specified addresses or landmarks, e.g. amusement parks, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc


– Use Tittle’s custom browser to actively monitor your child’s browsing history

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– Review and block inappropriate websites in one swipe

– Safeguard your child from inappropriate website content (e.g. violent, gambling or adult websites).

– You can also view and block websites blocked by other parents.


– Create tasks to remind your child what you’d like them to do

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– Review progress and send messages to your child

– Mark task as complete in one easy tap

Sign up for free and enjoy a 14-day trial of our full features. Manage your child devices on the go. Available on both Android & iOS platforms, Tittle Parental Control is easy to use and a breeze for even the non-IT savvy parents to actively manage screen time limits. Have peace of mind even when you are away or at work.

We encourage parents to set limits to their children’s screen time, and guide them through the importance of mobile responsibility and unplugging. Use Tittle Parental Control as a tool to communicate with your children and get more involved in setting boundaries to their mobile usage.

For more information, visit http://tittleforparents.com.

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You may also reach out to us at info@tittleforparents.com.

Say hello to smart parenting!

(Note: Tittle Parental Control uses the Device Administrator permission, Usage Access & Accessibility services)

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